Engage | January 2025
January 27 6:30 - 8:30 pm
We are women coming together and engaging our minds and hearts with God’s word, and our lives with each other. We are women making new friendships while we serve in many areas that show and grow our spiritual gifts. In these sections of our Website, we hope that you will find several ways to connect with each other and with Providence Church. We would love to be part of your circle and to walk with you as we walk closer to God. Come join our loving, fun, witty, non-cliquey (seriously!) caring bunch of women at Providence.
As women, our support of one another is vital. God calls us to love, encourage, and equip one another as the body of Christ. Below are several ways you can be involved in a thriving community of women that strive to love God and love others, here at Providence!
Our lives are fast-paced, and Engage is a space where women can be still for just as short time, gathered around God’s Word and a good meal. We want you to be involved in this meaningful discipleship-experience!
Engage is presented several times a year, usually on Monday’s from 6:30pm to 8:30 pm. It’s a great way to meet new women and make new friendships. It’s a time for you to take some time for yourself and disconnect from your schedule and reconnect with God and other women of Providence!
We serve catered meals and offer childcare so that you can relax and enjoy your time of fellowship. Events and Registration can be found on Prov Info Upcoming Events!
If you have any questions, feel free to contact Cheri Hogrefe at cheri@providencechurch.com
Making, growing, and unleashing disciples of Christ is what every ministry at Providence is all about. Joining a small group is the primary way that we pursue that goal, by building relationships around the Bible, life, and friendship. Groups meet at many different locations and times. For more information, contact Stacey Bearden at sbearden@providencechurch.com
Does the idea of studying the Bible frustrate or intimidate you? It doesn’t have to! Our Bible studies are designed to help you learn the skills to study Scripture using what’s already there on the page. For more information, contact Marsha Youell at marsha@providencechurch.com
Every two years the women of Providence take a few days to get away from our daily routine and focus on what God has in store for us as women. These are always refreshing times of worship, teaching, conversation, and fun! Stay tuned on ProvInfo for more information on our Spring 2024 Retreat!
We are building a team of over 100 people strong to come alongside small groups in providing meals and support to those in our church family who are facing a difficult season in life. With a team this big, we can make a major impact, even with a small commitment! For more information, check out our serve page!
Homeschooling parents and their children meet regularly during the school year for a time of fellowship and fun. It’s a great place to find community and encouragement. For more information, contact Tori Corey at tori@providencechurch.com
Stay up to date on all upcoming women's ministry discipleship environments!
Looking for other opportunities to serve and get plugged in at Providence? For more information on joining the greeting team, worship team, children's ministry team, or student ministry team check out our serve page or click the button to view some ways you can serve within Women's Ministry.