Our weekly gathering is on Wednesday Nights from 7:00-8:40

Students, feel free to come at 6:30 to enjoy a free meal served every week!

9th-12th Grade Students

Watch the video below to learn how we plan to disciple your student at The Gathering.

Monthly at The Gathering

Click the button below to visit the main hub for parents and students, where you can find the most recent information and registration links for all things the Gathering!

All About The Gathering

We want to get YOU connected to a discipleship community!
Click the button below and we will be in touch with you soon!

Small Groups
Small Groups

Small groups are the most important thing we do here. Contact us to get more information on your student’s potential small group. Our goal is not merely that students stay in church in high school; our goal is to establish and equip disciples in truth and send them on a life-long mission of building the Kingdom of God. One way we unleash students as disciples is by training students and allowing them to facilitate small group discussions with the help of an adult coach. Through student-led small groups, we are seeing the process of making, growing, and unleashing disciples flourish like never before.

Get Involved
Get Involved

It may sound cliché to say that students are the future – but it’s true. By pouring into making disciples of students now, you are making the disciple-makers of the future (and the present!). We want our students to be able to build relationships that make disciples, and you can help make that happen by getting involved in discipling relationships with them now. Check out the current opportunities to use your gifts in student ministry.

Got Questions?

Need more details? Want to get involved in a small group? Want to volunteer? Ask away!

Jamie Heard

Student Ministry Admin

Parent Resources

Click here is find resources that will help you disciple your student.

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