Small Group Questions

Sunday Discussion

Certainty Of Our Hope


In last week’s passage, we saw that Immanuel has different titles that tell us who he is, and who he is to us. He is Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace.


This week wraps up our Christmas series, “A Weary World Rejoices.” In our last verse, Isaiah expresses the certainty of the hope we have looked at throughout Isaiah 9:1-7. We can trust that God will accomplish what he sets out to do.

Opening Questions:

  • Think of a goal that you’ve fulfilled. What motivated you to see it through? How did you stay motivated?
  • Think of a goal that you did not fulfill. What happened that caused you to fall short of reaching your goal? What did you learn from it?

Scripture/Storying: Isaiah 9:7b

Discipleship Questions:

  • How does Isaiah 9:7b (starting with “the zeal…”) fit into the overarching message God has for his people in Isaiah 9:1-7?
  • Describe a time when you were zealous to accomplish a goal for the Lord. Why were you zealous? Why is God’s zeal to accomplish the things mentioned in 9:1-7 important to you? Why is God zealous to bring about these things?
  • God’s coming kingdom depends on God not humans. What would happen if it did depend on humans? How do you feel, knowing that it all depends on God and not people?
  • Read Isaiah 46:9-11. Isaiah reminds us that God will accomplish all that he purposes. This means the hope in Isaiah 9:1-7 is certain. How does knowing this affect you when things seem out of control in your life? What can you do to remind yourself of this truth when uncertain times come?
  • Describe the tactics that the enemies of Christ implemented throughout the Bible storyline, to keep God’s purposes in 9:1-7 from coming to fruition. Describe the tactics you see being implemented today against God’s purposes.
  • Read Romans 10:1-2. In what ways have you seen people have a misdirected zeal for God? Describe a time when you exhibited a misdirected zeal for God. When did you realize it was misdirected, and what did you do about it?

Prayer time: 

This month we will be taking a hiatus from our typical routine of praying for our ministry partners to focus more specifically on one prayer. For the month of December, we will focus on praying for peace in the Middle East and the birthplace of Christ.