Small Group Questions

Sunday Discussion

Standing Alone | Switching Places


Last week we focused on the healing of Naaman, Syria’s mighty military commander. Because Syria was a world power and dominated Israel for many years, Naaman’s asking for help from an Israelite to heal his leprosy was a lesson in humility, especially when he realized his healing would be done God’s way and not the way he presumed.


This week we will see what happens when Gehazi (Elisha’s servant) goes behind Elisha’s back by lying to Naaman about Elisha’s wanting recompense for the miracle that healed Naaman’s leprosy.

Opening Questions:

  • Is telling a lie acceptable in the pursuit of doing something that is ultimately for God? Why or why not?
  • Have you ever been upset with God because He didn’t work things out the way you had hoped for, prayed for, or expected? If so, share the story and what you learned from it.

Scripture/Storying: 2 Kings 5:19b-27

Discipleship Questions:

  • What is your overall reaction to this passage? What impression does it make on you and why?
  • What do you think is Gehazi’s root motivation for going to Naaman to “get something from him” (v20)? How does his saying to himself, “as the LORD (Yahweh) lives” influence your understanding of his motivation?
  • Have you ever experienced someone using the “God card” (God is leading me to…fill-in-the-blank) to justify their actions? If so, share the story. Have you ever done it yourself? If so, what you did and what you learned.
  • Elisha asks Gehazi, “where have you been, Gehazi?” Obviously, Elisha already knows the answer to his own question. (God does something similar with Adam in Genesis 3:9, and Nathan with David in 2 Samuel 7:1- 12.) Why does Elisha take this approach when confronting Gehazi? When is taking this approach particularly
  •  This story is not just about Naaman’s miraculous healing but is just as much about Gehazi’s reaction to it. In a certain sense, Naaman and Gehazi switched places. How does this episode impact your view of God? How does it impact your view of your own relationship with Him?
  • What parallels do you see between this story and the gospel of Jesus Christ?
  • What is the Holy Spirit teaching you through this story? How does it impact the way you think and live?

Prayer time:

This week we are praying for Redeem All Ministries, a ministry that Providence supports.

  • Pray for the Holy Spirit’s coverage during the RAM Mission Conference.
  • Pray that the spirit and culture of disciple-making will continue every day.
  • Pray for financial blessings towards vehicles and school construction.
  • Praise the Lord that the Mupesewas made it safely to Zimbabwe. All their luggage arrived too!
  • Praise God for good health for the Mupesewas during their acclimation period.
  • Praise God for the spiritual growth among the churches to whom we minister.
  • Praise God for our generous partners.