Small Group Questions

Sunday Discussion



Last week we saw Elisha’s ministry come to a close. Before he died, he assured king Joash that God would have mercy and provide victory for his people, but Joash’s lackluster faith minimized the greater victories that God would have provided.


This week we have an interlude between the Standing Alone Series and Christmas. The focus will be on what it means to be a part of the family of God.

Opening Questions:

  • What is your biggest takeaway from the Standing Alone Series?
  •  In your own family, in what ways do the different family members contribute to the whole? When every member of your family contributes to the whole, describe how the family functions. What happens when only a few members contribute? Share a story if you have one.

Scripture/Storying: Various Texts

Discipleship Questions:

  • Encourage participation and self-reflection from everyone. Reserve ample time for personal application. Feel free
    to develop your own questions. There is no need to answer every question. Above all, keenly follow the leading of the Holy Spirit. He may have a different agenda for your group!
  • Read Matthew 28:18-20. This text clearly states God’s mission for his family. In what ways have you noticed
    local churches drift from or replace this mission of Making, Growing, and Unleashing disciples? In what ways has this impacted you personally?
  • Read Acts 2:42-47. The early church family was devoted to teaching, fellowship, caring for one another, edifying one another, and praising God. How do these actions contribute to the church family carrying out the commission of Making, Growing, and Unleashing disciples?
  •  Read Galatians 6:10. According to this text, Christ-followers have a responsibility to do good to all people
    and especially the household of the faith (church family). In what ways can Christ-followers do good to the church family? What things draw you away from doing this faithfully?
  •  Galatians 6:10 emphasizes that the believer should do good “while they have the opportunity.” When was the last time you took advantage of an opportunity to do good to the church family? What did you do and what did you learn from it?
  • Read 2 Corinthians 9:6-15 Do you believe that what you sow is a reliable indicator of what is in your heart? What are you currently sowing and what does that indicate about you? What would you like to reap? What do you need to sow, in order to reap your desired harvest?
  • What is the Holy Spirit teaching you through this story? How does it impact the way you think and live?

Prayer time:

Hope Roberts
• Pray that she would recover quickly from illness & regain energy from an extremely busy season.
• Pray that as she moves forward in planning to serve in the Philippines she would lean not on her own understanding, but would humbly and wholly trust in the Lord.
• Pray that she would serve well in Missouri & not wish her time away but be grateful for this season.
• Praise God for His guidance in leading her to serve in the Philippines.
• Praise God for His provision through many gracious, generous partners.